The Aperitivo Project

The Aperitivo Project

It’s fun to look back and romanticize the time in my life when my main day-to-day work responsibilities were learning about food and finding ways to highlight it and tell its story. It was a fabulous time, and there are many things about that time in my life that I deeply miss. 

There was a vast knowledge stored in my brain that has quietly faded away with time since it’s not called upon very often. But thanks to social media, I’m occasionally reminded of the work I used to do and the cheese facts and culinary perspectives I used to have.

After working in cheese and wine for a number of years, I spent an additional three years creating, writing, and photography recipes for my place of employment - even after I no longer worked behind the counter. It was a great learning experience in writing, photography, and recipe development, and I love that I got the chance to do it with little pressure (internal and external) and own my own timeline.

I look back and am really proud of what I created, but not sure if all these recipes truly got the exposure they deserved.

One by one, I’m going to be re-posting them here so that they are forever protected and forever connected to me.

In an attempt to keep seasonality relevant in these repostings, I will try and upload the recipes as close to their anniversary as possible. Besides the inevitable spelling or grammar mistakes, I plan to leave these recipes and blogs unchanged and still from the perspective of the store. It’s a fun reminder of what life was like a few years ago, and to see how far I’ve improved as a writer and photographer.

Enjoy The Aperitivo Project.